Candidatos por senado Johnson, Barnes cruzan estado para animar partidarios

MILWAUKEE (TELEMUNDO WISCONSIN) -- U.S. Senate candidates spent Tuesday, Nov. 1, crossing the state to cheer on their supporters with less than a week until the end of the election.

Democratic candidate Mandela Barnes, currently the lieutenant governor of Wisconsin, participated in an event sponsored by the Rotary Club of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Press Club.

Telemundo Wisconsin reporter Victor Jacobo also participated as a panelist asking questions of the Democrat. One of the questions was about how Barnes will address political violence in the country.

"If we're going to have leaders in political office who are afraid to denounce political violence or end it, then they don't deserve their position and that's one of the main reasons I'm running," Barnes replied. "We have to restore dignity in this state and in this country."

Current Sen. Ron Johnson, meanwhile, continued his tour around the state by bus, visiting towns including Platteville, Prarie du Chien and Richland Center on Tuesday. During a visit to Watertown on Monday, Johnson said his supporters' concerns are many but at the same time basic.

"People are worried that they're losing this country, I mean the indoctrination of our children, the lawlessness not only of the Biden administration, but before that, Obama, the political utilization of the IRS and now we're seeing the FBI and the Department of Justice become political weapons against Americans. Johnson said at a news conference. " People are very worried."

Both candidates accuse the other of being used as propaganda for Russia's government. Johnson for his involvement with meetings with the Ukrainian government during the Trump administration and Barnes for appearing on a news channel controlled by the Russian government several years ago.

"I am banned from Russia, not like my opponent who appeared on Russia Today six times and let it be used as a propaganda tool by war criminal Vladimir Putin," Johnson told reporters. "I have condemned their war crimes."

"Johnson is a person who had a meeting with the FBI and was advised that he could be used as a Russian resource," Barnes said. "We mentioned it during our second debate and his response was that the FBI tried to cheat him -- it's always someone else's fault."

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